remote reiki

Losing Myself remote reiki
In 2000, at the age of 26, an existential crisis plunged me into a deep abyss. The generous, empathetic and hypersensitive young man that I was could no longer go on the way he always did. I needed help, and fast! This help came in the form of a helping relationship and Reiki cares.
Over time, I started to understand myself better, reconnect with lost parts of myself, to eventually become then man I was meant to be… But this time, without losing myself! This path also allowed me to reconnect with a long lost passion; human beings… Big and small! Listening to them, understanding them, empowering them!
Finding Myself
I consider myself to be a rather calm, collected, humble, generous, empathic, and determined man. And as much as I have a very spiritual and intuitive mind, it is also very pragmatic! My inner child is also very much alive, and is the driving creative force behind Tools of the heart, which I have co-created.
For me, Reiki was the catalyst for this “rebirth”. It allowed me to take better care of myself, heal my past and reconnect with parts of myself I had disconnected from during childhood. Today, Reiki is an integral part of who I am, and thus the reason why I teach it!
Meditation, which I also teach, is a precious tool for me; simple yet powerful! It allows me to find calm and harmony on a daily basis.
As for my coaching work, it was honed by my various trainings as well as my own personal healing journey. All of these helped me to transform my wounds into strengths, knowledge and wisdom. And as a Reiki master, I find value in remaining an eternal student towards life!
Paying it Forward
So, no matter the hat I’m wearing, I always attune myself to the rhythm of my clients and students, so they may find within themselves the answers and the strengths they need to blaze their own path ! This is the most precious gift I was given and which I want to pay forward.
I have a saying; “Nothing is ever truly lost, only disconnected!”
My Reiki Lineage:
- Hawayo Takata
- Barbara McCullough
- Judy Carol Stewart
- Robert Éthier
- Hélène Beaudette
- Patrick Arguin
I am a member of the Reiki Alliance.
I am a member of the Fédération des Médecines Alternatives (for insurance receits).
My Trainings:
- 2017- : Recognition of acquired competences in Specialized Education
- 2003-2017 : Reiki III
- 2012-2013 : Day Care Educator (kinder to grade 6) Professional Attestation Studies
- 2011-2014 : Subtle Bodies Harmonization
- 2003-2006 : Emotional and Spiritual Counseling
- 2002 : Reiki II
- 2001 : Reiki I
- 1994-1997 : Graphic Design (University)
- 1991-1994 : Graphic Design (College)