Spiritual coaching

What a Spiritual Awakening Can Look Like:

  • Your values, your markers, and your perception of reality undergo deep transformations.
  • You now see and understand things that eluded you before, and you can’t go back.
  • You feel drawn towards mastering the subtle energies that you perceive more and more.
  • You have bouts of intuition and extra-sensory experiences.
  • Your psychic and healing capacities are emerging.
  • Your life is in a transition that feels scary and wonderful at the same time.
  • You often feel the need to make drastic changes to your life and relationships.
  • Social interactions can start to feel draining and less meaningful.
  • You tend to find solace in solitude; in order to recenter and balance yourself emotionally.
  • You feel you are able to tap into your body’s innate intelligence.
  • You feel your body going through different phases of subtle changes, energetic cleanses, and vibratory upgrades.
  • Etc.

spiritual coaching
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“I am so grateful to have found Patrick! First off, he is so kind and compassionate and you can feel his love to help others through his sessions! After a few months of working with him; each session makes me feel renewed and calm. He has such an amazing ability of tapping into your energy bodies and picking up what is causing blockages. I’ve worked with so many energy workers and his sessions are where I feel the most seen and heard! Thank you for sharing your gift and your light Patrick!”

– Ashley-Ann

Soul Reconnection

It is said that when we want to change, we do NOT seek to become somebody else, but reconnect with who we truly are.

To awaken spiritually means you are feeling an irrepressible inner calling to reconnect with your soul and all it contains that is pure. It’s going through a profound and irreversible transformation that forever changes your relationship to yourself and life.

This process is punctuated with bouts of growth that seesaw between blissful and painful. But ultimately, this leads you to develop more authenticity, harmony, peace, and meaning!

spiritual coaching Ego Dissolution

Through that process, your soul wishes to empower yourself in all aspects of your life… To realize the creative power of your own spirit and the limitations it has been placed under by your mind/ego.

This will inevitably lead to the dissolution of many beliefs and conditionnings that served to protect you, but that were also limiting you. You see, the ego seeks to control by fear, while the spirit seeks to create with love. Hence, the more you decondition yourself, the more your mind starts to become of service to your spirit; for a more conscious and meaningful life.

However, during that seesawing process; you may fall, resist, hold on, or trade limiting beliefs for others that may feel more soothing and reassuring, yet still limiting you… Especially if you are still carrying old wounds and habits created by the ego.

spiritual coachingFinding Your Way

On the road to spiritual awakening, each person is unique and there are no paths alike. Each path as its own pace to follow and lessons to go through.

Through my holistic approach and spiritual guidance, I wish to help you navigate this transformational process that is your spiritual awakening. My goal is to facilitate your journey to empowerment by helping you trust your own inner compass in accord with the path that is yours.

Avoiding the Pitfalls of Modern Spirituality spiritual coaching

We live in an era where “Better, faster, more” seems to be the motto… And unfortunately, spirituality does not escape this silver bullet mentality. You will find people and practices that sell just that, and people who get blindsighted and strayed!

Well-being does not consist of avoiding what hurts. It’s about finding the strengths within to face, transform, and transmute it… In order to become the artisan of your own life, which may require TIME and practice! So, on your journey, honing your spiritual discernment is essential.

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My professional activities are part of the acts “not reserved” to psychotherapist as described by Quebec’s Law 21 regulating psychotherapy: Accompaniment, support intervention, coaching, emotional education. Also, I cannot treat or produce diagnostics for ADHD, autism, anxiety disorders or depression, but I can refer to a healthcare professional if needed.