Couple counselling…

Helping Partners to:

  • Understand dysfunctional dynamics.
  • Further embody their respective energy (masculine/feminine) for more harmony.
  • Communicate respectfully and openely.
  • Develop a sense of positive contribution and fulfillment.
  • Nurture mutual trust, gratitude, intimacy and commitment.

couples counselling

Recreating Emotionnal Intimacy

Distance and lack of physical connection are often due to a lack of emotionnal intimacy. Meaning; an environment in which each partner feels loved, encouraged, supported and appreciated for who he/she is.

Being able to talk about everything, but also listen! To hear and receive what the other person has to say with presence, empathy and non-judgement. Those are essential keys in recreating emotional intimacy!

Couple counselling: Trust and Connection

Those two aspects are the ciment of any partnership! However, when life happens, many things can affect its integrity and create friction, confusion, and unfulfillment. As a coach, my goal is to help you shed light on what could be affecting your connection to your partner. Together, we can find ways to restore more self-confidence, trust, communication, and intimacy within your relationship.

Attachment Stylescouple counseling

From very early on, children bond with their parents and learn by observing and soaking their respective energies. Consequently, the wounds and lacks we experience as children may produce different types of attachment; secure, anxious, avoidant, and disorganized. Those carry on in our relationships and influence the way we communicate our needs and offer/request comfort and affection.

Introspecting about these self-conditioned aspects can therefore shed significant light on the potential points of contention we have within ourselves, towards our partner, or even with our children. Becoming more aware will then greatly facilitate changes in perception, communication and relationship dynamics.

My approach

My intervention will then be to explore with you the possible attachment conflicts, unmet needs and how to communicate them while re-appropriating your respective energies. I wish to help you restore intimacy, mutual contribution and appreciation, as well as a stronger connection that is fulfilling for both!

Male and Female Energies… Embodying Yours! Couple counselling

Attachment styles influence our relationship’s dynamic, themselves influenced by mom and dad acting as models. But so does the masculine and feminine duality. This duality is expressed in different strengths, roles, and needs. When complementing each other, those give partners the feeling of contentment and positive contribution to the partnership and the children’s education.

Man or woman, we all have masculine and feminine energies within us… But it is often our own wounds and insecurities that drive us to embody more frequently the energy of the other sex. And because it brings us on the partner’s “turf”, we may enter in a kind of emotional “competition”, or even in an inversion of roles. This tends to keep each partner stuck in their own unrealistic expectations and frustrations. This is when the loss of connection and the feeling of being caught in a deadlock start to creep in!

Striving to embody our respective energies can truly support the healthy changes we wish to bring in the way we connect and bond.


IN-PERSON or REMOTE SESSION (videoconference)
ADULTS SESSION (Students get -15% off)

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My professional activities are part of the acts “not reserved” to psychotherapist as described by Quebec’s Law 21 regulating psychotherapy: Accompaniment, support intervention, coaching, emotional education. Also, I cannot treat or produce diagnostics for ADHD, autism, anxiety disorders or depression, but I can refer to a healthcare professional if needed.