generational healing is great.

Examples of transgenerational imprints:

  • A string of absent and emotionally distant fathers that has been perpetuated for six generations because of a war-related trauma.
  • A straining relationship with money and success that goes back to an ancestor who struggled with extreme poverty, thus adopting a certain limiting mindset.
  • Irrational fears related to childbirth and a proclivity to be overprotective that tie with several miscarriages dating back three generations.
  • A propensity for kidney stones that runs in the family related to heavy family ties charged with expectations, obligations, and submissions.
  • A higher risk for heart attacks that runs in the family related to a marked discomfort with handling griefs and loss-related traumas.
  • A higher risk for breast cancer that runs in the family related to a higher level of selflessness and a proclivity to mother everyone, that is way too unhealthy.
  • From mother to daughter; lack of self-esteem stemming from attracting violent men and perpetuating cycles of abuse.
  • From father to son; lack of ambition stemming from attracting a malignant partner that constantly criticized them, thus perpetuating the cycle of devaluation, guilt and shame.
  • Etc.

generational healing transgenerational

Inheritances and predispositions

Your life is dotted with learning experiences that come to forge your beliefs and values system. However, the basis of that system develops very early in infancy. Through your attachment bond with mom and dad, you absorb their energy like the little sponge that you are. You therefore inherit certain qualities and flaws, but you also buy into certain values and beliefs; often passed on since many generations before you. This may foster psychological and emotional predispositions, as well as physical (disorders and diseases).. Which are not necessarily dictated by your genetic markers, but the emotional environment you and your ancestors grew up in.

Attachment and Transmission generational healing transgenerational

It must be said that the attachment bond is a very powerful psychological and emotional mechanism, and the need for belonging is one that is fundamental for humans. So, in the process of your personal evolution, it is common to identify certain traits and imprints belonging to either one of your parents, or even your grandparents… But because they have been finely embroidered in your subconscious, they sometimes appear indissociable from who you are! That’s why putting an end to some of them can prove difficult, especially when an ancestor’s unresolved and unconsciously passed down trauma is at its root cause!

generational healing transgenerational Closing Chapters

A transgenerational healing session has two simultaneous parts. First, because Reiki can act on past events, it can help clear blockages related to the toxic imprint, and release emotions if there needs to be. Then, I let my spiritual guidance show me the emotional entanglements of this imprint, and accompany you in what you may be feeling and experiencing… So to facilitate emotional releases, more awareness, and closure.

Allowing Energy to Flow libération générationnelle victoriaville

In session, I let the energy do most of the work because it always harmonizes itself to your needs and capacities. Thus, what is being released IS what needs to be. I am simply a channel that allows himself to be guided. Also, I do not force or influence the energy to act… Doing so would be counterproductive and potentially uncomfortable for you!

Allowing Time to Pass

It is also important to mention that it is impossible to clear ALL your transgenerational baggage in one session! This is not a silver bullet fix, but rather an approach that serves to accompany you in your personal evolutionary process. This then helps you part with what you have inherited that no longer serves you! But this is a process in itself; we (you and I) must respect the pace of these emergences if you wish to experience this healing process harmoniously. I do believe that everything is always timely orchestrated!

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My professional activities are part of the acts “not reserved” to psychotherapist as described by Quebec’s Law 21 regulating psychotherapy: Accompaniment, support intervention, coaching, emotional education. Also, I cannot treat or produce diagnostics for ADHD, autism, anxiety disorders or depression, but I can refer to a healthcare professional if needed.