«Your thoughts become your words.
Your words become your actions.
Your actions become your habits.
Your habits become who you are.
Choose your thoughts carefully.»

– Buddha –

Meditation is a personal practice that facilitates stress management and finding inner peace throughout your daily grind, which can help you develop a more sustained well-being.

  • Reducing your anxiety and helping you to relax.
  • Managing your stress and your emotions.
  • Quieting your mind and finding inner peace.
  • Reacquainting you with yourself.
  • Being in the NOW.
  • Developing more empathy and benevolence towards yourself.
  • Improving your focus.

The goal of meditation IS NOT about emptying your mind. That is an impossible task which can easily discourage anyone without even trying it. We cannot stop thinking… BUT WE CAN develop a greater sense of calm and anchoring that may enable us to greet those arising thoughts with more neutrality and detachment.

Meditation courses

As this moment, those courses are only available in french.